What a long time i'm not write anything,it is all because my best friends busy to update their am I...
Along this holiday, so many thing i've faced...a journey to look deeply of myself within me and Allah...within my friends and I and also nature and I. So many thing that can reflect myself,
"am i good enough as servant of Allah???"
"Is this the thing that Allah showed for me to remember i'm not doing the right thing???"
"Am I remember what the purpose I'm here as caliph of earth???"
owhhh men...what a big mistake I am...
ust Hazizi told us in his tazkirah, 3 question, when we hold it, we will be strong to spread our risalah...
-who we are???
-What do we want???
-what can we do to achieve what we want???
hehehe...honestly,only share a little from it...
Who we are???
Who we are in the the world??? Are we the one who want 'kalimatulhaq' to be spread all over sorrounding??? Are we the one who want all malay to be unite because unity will bring Islam forward??? are we the one who want to see our nation clean from bad things that came from western thinking???
Our jamaah are the 'third person' that holding the risalah to make sure that all malay unite without care any difference between party...
What do we want???
what do we want when we have the risalah???
of course we want to spread our risalah...Our risalah that want all muslim to be as strong as we can broke the kuffar's wall... It is not an easy mission, it is a long journey things and it is the properties of da'wah.
We want to see all malay muslim when they are strong enough, they can bring Islam forward and all other citizens can respect us...
What can we do to achieve what we want???
Ustaz Hazizi said the first one is Tarbiyyah...
All started with tarbiyyah because with tarbiyyah, a very strong risalah's holder can be born.
After that, Jihad.
Jihad make us feel that da'wah is the most important part in human life... Jihad make us feel like we have our 'agenda' for us to bring it to spread all over our surrounding. It also make us feel it is our priority for us to sacrifice ourself for this purpose...
What a big thing I've told hah....
It is really very meaningful...
Alright, that's only little 'taujihad' from me...
Hmmm...the thing I want to tell is about the picture above, nice huh...(he2...)
Firdaus n I went to Pulau Pangkor for our Jaulah, it is one of the most sweet moment we had there....really2 sweet...
Now...hmmm, I just want to tell that I'm really thinking deeply of my friend's tazkirah. He said that When the first time Allah want to give the responsibility to His creature, who want to be the caliph in the world, none of them want it. But,human want it. Even the hills that is strong also did not want to accept that 'amanah'. brave but stupid in meantime...
But all of that is in the past. Now we must look forward and continue our responsibility.
I had a journey for the first time to pangkor and I can see the most beautiful creature... What is it??? It is the sea, hills,mountains and beautiful fish. First time of snorckling make me really feel happy. But it is only a little of our happiness. The true happiness is when we have our step to Jannah.
In Al-quran, Allah told us that set your footstep all around the world and see the creature of Allah. In that way, it may help us to really reflect our iman and believe in Allah that create our world...
a cup of tea from me, for us to think...